Learn Java on the Macintosh by Barry Boone with Dave Mark

Java is one of the most powerful and exciting computer languages in wide use today, and with Learn Java on the Macintosh, you can learn it. This book is tailor-made for people who do not have a programming background but want to learn Java as their first programming language. It's filled with diagrams, explanations, examples, and exercises designed to teach people new to programming the basics of how to program in Java.

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Example Projects

Note: If you have trouble getting your browser to open these example projects or launch the CodeWarrior IDE, check out our hints for using this site.

02.01 - hello, world
04.01 - simple draw
05.01 - empty project
05.02 - static
06.01 - operator
06.02 - postfix
07.01 - life cycle
07.02 - init
07.03 - average
08.01 - truth tester
08.02 - loop tester
08.03 - is odd
08.04 - next prime
08.05 - next prime 2
08.06 - next prime 3
09.01 - employee 1
09.02 - employee 2
09.03 - employee 3
09.04 - variable
09.05 - method
10.01 - triangle
10.02 - access
11.01 - components
11.02 - paint hello
11.03 - paint circle
11.04 - circle at click
11.05 - simple draw
11.06 - payroll
12.01 - floating pt
12.02 - arrays
12.03 - SimpleDraw
12.04 - Payroll
13.01 - applet params
13.02 - constructor
13.03 - exception
14.01 - hello, java
14.02 - next prime
14.03 - SimpleDraw
15.01 - threads

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